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タイトル メイキング・ア・スパニッシュ・ギター
区分 その他
作曲者名 J.L.ロマニリョス
収録作品 -目次-
1 Sharpenlng edge tools
 The scraper
 Using planes
2 Plantillas
3 Making the solera
4 The soundboard
 Shootlng the edges
 Gluing the soundboard
 Fitting the rosette into the soundboard
 Fitting the columns and the arches
5 Thicknesslng the soundboard
 Plates and stmts
 Gluing the plates
 Fitting and gluing the fan-struts
 Shaping the struts
 Concave-shaped hamonic bars
6 Theribs
 Bending Irons
 Bending the ribs
 Gluing the linlngs
7 Theback
 The central decorative strlp
 The inner reinforcing strlp
8 Theneck
 Marking the tang, the VJoint and the rib slots
 Trimming and fitting the tang and the Vjoint
 The wedges
 Facing the head
 Shaping the head and settlng the machineheads
 Finishing the neck
9 Method orassembly
 Gluing the glue-blocks
 Fitting the transverse back bars
 setting up the rebates for bindings and purnings
 Cuttlng the rebates
 Gluing the bindings and purflings
10 The fingerboard
 Gluing the fingerboard
 Frettlng the fingerboard
ll Thebridge
 Gluing the bridge
 The nut and saddle
12 Making yemeers
 Making the bands for the rosette
 The herringbone
 Gluing the three strlpS together
 Bindings and purflings
13 Making a rosette
 Making the columns
 Making the sandwiches for the vou!
 Cutting the sandwiches to make the
 Gluing the voussoirs into round len
14 Polishimg
 Dry-shining method
 colour photographs of Romanillos guitars・ rosettes and inlaysby Josi Roman Prados
 Romanillos rosette, 1993
 Romanillos rosette, 1999
 Romanillos gultar, Berwick St, James, 1969
 Romanillos gultar, Berwick St. James, 1969
 Romanillos gultar, Guijosa, La Cariaosa, 1999
 Romanillos gultar, Guijosa, La Cariaosa, 1999
 Demonstration panel for schools on the Crafs Council Tour, 1979
 Early rosette designs in dyed woods, 1964-69
 Stages in making the rosette with the arches
 Romanillos gultar, Guijosa, Marian 2006
 Romanillos gultar, Guijosa, Marian 2006
 Romanillos guitar, Guijosa La Medio Siglo
 Romanillos gultar, Guijosa La Medio Siglo
 Romanillos rosette, 2005
 Romanillos rosette, 2012
 Selectlng Spruce
 Annual growth rings
 Haseljichte spruce
 Tools, devices and jigs
 The gluing board for the soundboard and the back
 The glulng frame and sprlng gO-bars
 The scale length
 Making a frettlng Jlg
Photographs of implements mentioned im this book
 Group I Tools
 Group ll Devices
 Group III Jigs
Drawlngs by EIs Jageneau
 Marklng the clrCles for the rosette
 HamonlC bars for Romanlllos Plan I
 Transverse back bar for Romanlllos Plan I
 Scarf and mitre Joints
 The bridge
 Making the columns for the arches
 Making the round lengths for the arches
The solera and guitar plans  Front cover
 General Bibliography - Books and Booklets
 General Bibliography - Articles in magazines, Jounals, newspapers and theses
 Books and articles by Jose Luis Romanillos
 Catalogues by Josg Luis Romanillos
 Interviews with Josi Luis Romanillos, articles and reviews.
 Reviews of the book Antonio de Torres
 Courses glVen by Josi Luis Romanillos
 Lectures glVen by Josi Luis Romanillos
 Exhibitions, Radio, Television, Films, Videos, DVDs, Intemet
 links, Music
 Known recordings made with a Romanillos gultar
 Index or proper names
 Index ortechnical tens
備 考 英語版
これまでもスパニッシュギターの製作法を秘密にすることなく公にしてきたマエストロ ロマニリョス。
秘密にすることに意味はない と断言するその姿勢通りすべてを網羅した製作に関する内容となっております。

品切れ 定価(税込) : 14,300 円 販売価格(税込) :  13,585 円


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